Friday, November 14, 2008

Back on my feet after a war against Fever!

Yes, I'm recovering well enough in time for the weekends... though I still have a little throbbing headache someplace in my brain. Hope this wasn't as a result of perhaps my brain being burnt from all the high fevers going on.
It's been a rather uneventful week saved for little glintchy stuff... How many times in our life must we meet with poor souls whom doesn't have the slightest ashamed of themself stuff? I was on the train this morning and as usual, it's packed like sandines, irritating people with huge ugly bags shoving into other people and acting as if "It's only right"! Hubby was on reservist for 2 weeks and I have been taking the train to and fro work (back to days of the "before we have a car").
I was lucky I managed to get a seat when someone seated near where I was standing, alighted. And on two mornings, I encountered a lady shouting away "Please move to the centre". I looked and trust me, she's most probably blind or desperately in need of a pair of thick thick glasses, the train's practically filled with people right to the brim of the door and she's asking people to move to the centre of the train so she could get herself in. I can understand and forgive the train driver when he made announcement since there are cases where people just leave the train empty in some areas and love to stand next to the door and even in geniune cases of "packed sandines" trains, the poor driver can't possibly see for himself. But the lady is definitely unforgiveable, totally authorising and rude from the loud command of her voice, she should do self reflection on this. This morning, I overheard a little girl's voice saying just the same stuff. Perhaps her mother lost her voice from shouting the past few days and this is her daughter assisting her now...

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