(Alright, I suddenly got this feelings to just write it all down.)
Let's take a brief walk down memory lane of how the 3 boys have grown over the years. Through times of joys, happiness and sweet little things from the innocence of a young mind. Coupled with times of bursting blood vessel moments when they turn really mischevious

Five years plus, still melting our hearts with his big black eyes complete with long lashes. Hugging his favourite pillow around the house, lugging it everywhere and getting sleepless nights if he's without it.

Slowing going 2 plus to 3 years of age, hair's growing long and shiny smooth. Walking and following his elder brother Christopher around the house. Getting all sticky and tendency to cry.
6 years of age, the parting on the left side of his front hair is still obvious. Distintive look which was with him since his birth, possibly saving him a long of money to be spend on gel in the later ego age.
Our 3rd Pride and Joy, Bryan Ng
Bryan at birth and already showing off his "kungfu" pose. First photo taken at the hospital ward on his 2nd day after birth.
His first month and getting comfy at home, curious looks around most of the times, especially with 2 older noisy brothers. Bryan always seems to be impatient about learning to crawl, standing up, and walking. He started to make himself turn onto his stomach, crawling, taking his first stand and so on. Guess it's all the pressure from seeing his two elder brothers running around him, that he wants to follow them along.
Now, Bryan's 3 years old, he's picking up many words and phrases from his two elder brothers, running along with them. Wanting a share in everything, he's also forever "acting cute", and his smile would always cheer the family up. Branded as the "Baby of the Family", being the youngest.
It's still a long way to go before all three of the boys grow up, many more years of ensuring they grow up healthily, excel well in their studies, etc.
The time, the attention, the money, the care, and many more things to come along the way as we grow up with them each day.
A 4th child in on the way, the baby is currently 14 weeks and perhaps about 3 inches long and weighing only an ounce and a half. Into the 2nd trimster of the pregnancy, at least the past weeks of nausea are mostly gone except for the occassional few times.
Strange thing is baby doesn't seems to like me brushing my teeth, everytime I put the paste into my mouth, I felt nausea. But at least I'm improving on my appetite now, better than not being able to take any food on most nights.
This year is the year of the "Cow" in the chinses calendar, and baby sure is behaving like one. I'm into craving for fruits, vegetables, fruit juices, milk, etc. My favourite of fried chicken wings, seafood such as lobster, crayfish and fish, are all making me nausea... I was at Carousel the other night and yet I'm avoiding all the seafood spread there!