Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Counting down to baby Alex's full month...

Yes, time really passes, it's just 2 days before baby Alex is going to attain his full month status. The one month of waking up in the middle of the nights for his craving for milk just short of passed. Still, there are many more such days to come, but Patrick and I will be "fighting" on.

Alex has some daily routine stuff which he "strictly" follows, that's kind of astonishing for a little baby. Let's see...
  1. His 3-hours milk supplements, Alex's mouth just starts to open and go from left / right, seeking an outlet to suck milk from.
  2. His daily morning bath, must not be later than 11am, otherwise he will be grumbling and grumbling.
  3. His nappy must not be too wet, otherwise he will be seeking attention till you changed it. Same goes for soiled nappy, he's a cleaniness freak.
  4. His beloved blanket, he grumbles if we changed it for washing.

Such little little things that I have came to realise as I spend each day with him. His 3 elder brothers are already immune to his cries, they slept like the logs each night.

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