Monday, January 12, 2009


Alright, let me try to get a post down in mandarin (eventhough my mandarin sucks!).


三个小可爱,老大 Christopher 要上一年级,老二 Nicholas 要上幼儿园K2,老三 Bryan 还在家里称王(因为他才快要三岁)。 经过一番辛苦,紧张的为 Christopher 报名和为学校做了56小时的义工(minimum is 40 hours, but i did more because I'm kiansu!). 我们很辛运,他被入取了!! (谢天谢地)


今年又有我自己的 Part-time studies, 一个星期两堂课,又兼 Project... 希望我可以做的很好。

最近,我突然爱上了到 reservoir 的 fishing ground 捕捉小龙虾 (so called lobster or crayfish)。 在最初的时候,老公Patrick 和我可是一只都捉不到。 现在,我们可是捉到一共有30只大大小小的。而我们也有了一位好友 Rick 和我老妈的长参于。 收获也抱括一条 soonhock鱼,一条 catfish鱼。 有趣的是,我们昨天还发现了一种可爱的鱼,BumbleBee (超像 nemo).
Guess what, we have got a new tank kindly sponsor by a buddy friend Rick, he has lobang for fish tanks and managed to get us one that is 2ft. We shifted our lobsters of various sizes to it and added in a block of woods plus stones for them to climb around on. We caught one pregnant lobster over the weekend and it's bursting with eggs underneath... Hubby and I did not notice anything at first and when it was put into the tank, we saw all the tiny red eggs it's carrying! Lucky we managed to saw that and have since shifted the mama to a seperate small container to let it stay by itself.
Two of the red lobsters we had actually mated last evening, hubby was all excited upon discovering them in action after we had our dinner. One of them forced the other to turn onto its back and it grabbed hold of the claws and hold on to it dearly with the rest of the 4 pairs of small legs... (interesting discovery).
I think there's ten over of them in the tank now... We were back at the fishing place on Sunday at 6 plus in the evening. I found only fishes and caught a few of the baby lobsters, just as it was turning dark, I discovered a really huge lobster with big fat claws but my net was too small to catch it in and with the sky turning dark... I have to give up and head for home. (wat a waste)
Let me take some photos when I have the time and post them here.... : )

Monday, January 5, 2009

Contest Junkie - Mr. Dallas

New Year 2009, my first gift of the year is very lovely, well thought out and unique. It's a really sweet surprise, I received it on a Monday morning (5th January 2009). Don't be surprise, it's because I was actually on leave today since I still need to be around to guide my maid around on how to bring the oldest boy to and from his new primary school.

The postman came and left me a registered parcel, surprise surprise, I found Contest Junkie Mr. Dallas' name on it! I opened up the package and found this lovely golden flower embossed box, on the box, it wrote " 富贵满堂", meaning good fortune and prosperity to the family. Find out more about Contest Junkie's second trip to China in Year 2008, he's having loads of fun in the winter land of China!

Opening up the box, beatifully laid out in the yellow silk cloth, are a pair of dragon engraved chopsticks. There are two lovely painted mandarin ducks too, they are the chopsticks resters!

Noticed the chinese wordings on the cover? It wrote that food is the basic for human beings, and many other really lovely well meant verses.

A close up on the mandarin ducks and the dragon engraved chopsticks... really lovely...

I didn't know Dallas is going to be getting me something for the trip, plus, he's already sent me a lovely Christmas card for year 2008. Something you might not have noticed if you haven't been to his site frequently, he's a really young chap whom's still studying and already managing a blog that is huge on loads of traffic and contest links that are updated almost daily. Truthfully, I wonder how he gets all the contests' details daily. Oh ya, he's even been featured on the newspaper if you have noticed. A lot of achievements for a young lad like him...
I love gifts and surprises, but for one that is well thought, unique and with a lovely meaning behind it, that is not what you would always get. My first surprise gift for Year 2009 and I got this, it's really sweetttttt.....

Kungfu Panda

Kungfu Panda

Merry Merry Merry Christmas [2009]

Merry Merry Merry Christmas [2009]

National Day - Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Grandpa & Grandmum @ NDP 2009

Grandpa & Grandmum @ NDP 2009

Thirsty Christopher and Beaming Nicholas

Thirsty Christopher and Beaming Nicholas

The 3 Brothers, 3 Lions

The 3 Brothers, 3 Lions

Happy is being TOGETHER, as a Singaporean!

Happy is being TOGETHER, as a Singaporean!