Wow, big drama since the escape of the JI Leader Mas Selamat from Singapore Detention Centre at Whitley Road. People's first initial response varies:-
1. How could this have happen in a country that has strong image of national security and discipline police force?
2. Why was the public let know of the escape ordeal only 4 hours after it happened?
3. Isn't there guards / detection camera and enough security to prevent the escape of a partial limping criminal?
4. Will "heads" roll over this incident?
With the awakeness from this incident, people are questioning whether our police force is really as efficient as it looks from the image it have built up over the years. Does the police respond to urgency or sudden unforeseen circumstances as they should have? There have been experiences discussed about calling over the phone to our neighbourhood police post over some unfamiliar character / group loitering at our void deck, and over the past hour, the police are still nowhere to be seen? Is there a guideline on response time? Perhaps, it is time more reviews and re-education to the police situated at our neighbourhood police be implemented.
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